Monday & Thursday 8.00 - 13.00 / 14.00 - 18.00
Tuesday 8.00 - 13.00 / 15.00 - 19.00
Wednesday & Friday 8.00 - 13.00
Dr. Jürgen Reier
Praxis für Implantologie, Endodontie & ästhetische Zahnheilkunde
Ulmer Straße 124 im WIZ | 73431 Aalen
PHONE 0 73 61-528 07 10
Liebe Patientin, Lieber Patient
The possibilities of modern dentistry are enormous, and the full range should be used. Our intention is to treat you using the best medical knowledge to achieve our combined objective—livelong preservation of your teeth. The basis for this is our team of specialists, who offer you high quality treatment in all the different aspects of dentistry.
The basis of livelong preservation of teeth is professional dental hygiene and oral examinations by a dentist. If a filling or dental prosthesis is needed, we can offer you a range of high-quality treatment options. The aesthetics of your smile are of primary importance.
We use only biocompatible materials, with the focus on metal-free, aesthetic ceramic restorations.
Our range of treatments, the high-quality work, our pursuit of innovation and knowledge, and our selection of high-quality partners guarantee the effectiveness of our dental surgery. The needs and expectations of our patients direct our treatment objective.
We emphasise communication and information and offer you a stress-free, relaxing atmosphere in the care of our friendly team.
/ Geboren in Würzburg
/ Abitur in Würzburg 1994
/ Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, 1994-1999
/ Auslandssemester an der Universität Umea, Schweden (1998)
/ Assistenzzahnarzt in Praxis Dr. Gura, Röttingen (2000-2002)
/ Promotion ; Prof. Thull, Abteilung für experimentelle Zahnmedizin (2000)
/ Auslandsaufenthalt in Schweden, Zahnklinik Karlskoga (2002-2004)
/ Angestellter Zahnarzt Praxis Dr. Röhrle, Schwäbisch Gmünd (2005-2008)
/ Schwerpunkt mikroskopische Wurzelbehandlung seit 2005 -
/ Gründung der Praxis für Implantologie, Endodontie und ästhetische Zahnheilkunde in Aalen (2008)
/ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn-Mund- und Kieferheilkunde
/ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahnerhaltung
/ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Implantologie
/ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Endodontologie und zahnärztliche Traumatologie
/ Swiss Society of Endodontology
Zahnmedizinischen Fachangestellte
Zahnmedizinischen Fachangestellte
Zahnmedizinischen Fachangestellte
Zahnmedizinischen Fachangestellte
Wie kein anderes zahnmedizinisches Fachgebiet hat die Endodontie in den letzten Jahren ihr Gesicht verändert. Das beruht vor Allem auf der Einführung des Dentalmikroskops in die Zahnmedizin.
After tooth damage as a result of, for example, decay or trauma, the dental pulp inside the tooth can become inflamed and possibly die. This gives bacteria and other microorganisms the opportunity to invade and cause infection of the tooth or of the bone at the root tip.
The purpose of root canal treatment is to eliminate this type of infection by disinfecting then filling and sealing the root canal. This kind of treatment is also performed during revision of an old root canal filling. Possible reasons for this are, for example, residual or imminent chronic infection. In recent years endodontic treatment has changed more than any other discipline within dentistry, because of the implementation of dental microscopes. At magnification of up to 40 even the smallest structures become visible and, therefore, treatable. Many details of the complex anatomy of the root canal are now visible for the first time.
Root canal treatment needs time, accuracy, and experience. Our team has long experience of working with dental microscopes. The prognosis of endodontic treatment is extremely good—up to 95% in the current literature. But no tooth is like another and, on the basis of current knowledge, every tooth has its own prognosis. High-technology equipment has contributed to the success of our treatment.
Those who wish to eat, speak, and laugh without care must rely on their teeth. From removable dentures to fixed teeth—who does not wish for that! Quality of life is much better if teeth function well.
This objective not always feasible by use of conventional dental prosthetics. Here, implants are a comfortable alternative. Implants are artificial dental roots, manufactured from the biocompatible material titanium, on which crowns, bridges, and removable dentures can be installed. The greatest medical benefit of implants is the possibility of replacing a single tooth. It is not necessary to damage a tooth just to attach a crown or bridge.
It is possible to place an implant after completion of growth. From this point on, implants are independent of age or medical diseases. If insufficient bone is present, the dentist can build up the jaw with your own bone or with alternative bone material. After implantation, the wound should heal for approximately two to six months before the treatment is completed. In some circumstances implants can be set at the time the tooth is removed and provided with artificial dentition immediately after setting.
Because no tooth gap is like any other, we develop an individual strategy for every patient. You are welcome to contact us for further information and individual consultation.
92% aller Patienten halten die Ästhetik ihrer Zähne für wichtig oder sehr wichtig.
(Umfrage Emnid-Institut)
The term “aesthetics” is derived from the Greek for teaching of sensual cognition. In dentistry it means the combined appearance of teeth, gums, and lips.
Depending on the individual situation and the patient’s wishes, correction of the appearance of the teeth, gums, and lips can be recommended. For this it can be necessary to combine different specialists, for example orthodontist, periodontist, etc., for interdisciplinary cooperation. Because our team of specialists has good contact with other experienced dentists of different dental disciplines, this kind of treatment becomes easier for our patients.
From the perspective of aesthetics and biocompatibility, ceramics are the material of choice. Ceramics are almost indistinguishable from real teeth, highly compatible, consistent in colour, and result in almost invisible transition from restoration to tooth. For this reason ceramic inlays, veneers, crowns, partial crowns, and bridges are increasing in popularity. Gaps in rows of teeth can be closed, and teeth can be lengthened or rotated. Patients who are intolerant of, or sensitive to, metals find ceramics an outstanding biocompatible material.
Today, aesthetics means, primarily, teaching of the beauty, harmony, and principles of nature and art. We would be pleased to fulfil your individual expectations of the aesthetics of your teeth
Painful diseases have become a characteristic of modern civilization. Surveys indicate that 10% of the German population have felt pain in the area of the face in the last seven days.
In numerous cases, this pain emanates from the jaw muscle and jaw joints, caused by clenching and grinding of the teeth. In rare cases, unfavourable tooth contacts caused by treatment with fillings or functionally inadequate dentures might also cause such symptoms. If additional atypical symptoms, for example headache, or ear or neck pain, arise, this symptom complex is called temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD).
In individual cases, extensive visual and manual clinical assessment is complemented by research-based instrumental methods for diagnosis of specific chewing or muscle disorders.
The therapeutic approaches include academic and alternative medical methods, for example trigger-point treatment and acupuncture; these are specifically designed to meet patients’ individual needs and are, also, often supported by other medical specialists, physiotherapists, and alternative practitioners.
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass eine zweimal jährlich durchgeführte, professionelle Zahnreinigung die Entstehung von Karies reduziert!
Proper oral hygiene can keep your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful to a great age. It is more important to actively prevent tooth damage than to treat damage which has already occurred. To avoid caries and periodontitis it is necessary to eliminate their sources. Prophylaxis is early treatment of factors that cause and promote caries and periodontitis.
Prophylaxis involves personalized provision of such tooth-cleaning products as dental floss, interdental brushes, etc., with instructions on their use.
The causes of caries and periodontitis are bacteria that form a biofilm on the teeth. If this biofilm is not removed, components of saliva become incorporated, forming dental calculus. This must be removed professionally in a dental surgery.
Prophylaxis starts with oral examination by a dentist, who determines the status of the teeth and gums and compares this over a long period of time. After removal of calculus and biofilm the teeth are polished to eliminate rough surface areas; this reduces the possibility of attachment of bacteria to the tooth surface. Finally the teeth are treated with fluoride.
For patients with high caries activity it is necessary to take a sample of saliva and measure the number of bacteria present. With this in mind your dentist has the opportunity to early take action to reduce the number of microorganisms and so keep your teeth healthy.
Praxis für Implantologie, Endodontie & ästhetische Zahnheilkunde
Inhaber Dr. Jürgen Reier
Adresse Ulmer Straße 124 im WIZ, 73431 Aalen
E-Mail praxis@zahnaerzte-im-wiz.de
Internet www.zahnaerzte-im-wiz.de
Zuständige Kammer
Landeszahnärztekammer Baden-Württemberg
Albstadtweg 9, 70567 Stuttgart
Berufliche Regelungen
Gebührenordnung für Zahnärzte (GOZ)
Berufsordnung für Zahnärzte
Einzusehen unter
Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde
Kassenärztliche Vereinigung
Bezirksdirektion Stuttgart, Engstlatterweg14, 70567 Stuttgart
Gestaltung & Umsetzung | mediengestaltung-aalen.de